Thu 02 Jan
High point location. New pics!💎🎀Married man's best kept secret Kayla🎀💎 - 18
(Greensboro, High Point, Private location)
**HOT 5'7" Blue eyed Blonde!** ~Staci Sterling~ **Call NOW for HOT Lunch Specials!** - 30
(Greensboro, Greensboro/W.S./Burlington/High Point)
**BeSt Of The Blo3k***/$exxi $aphire n PreCioUS Pe@rls, AbsouLTE, DREAM GIRLS... - 25
(Greensboro, greensboro in/out calls)
💎💎Ask about my VIP special for first 10 clients! **You won't be disappointed!💎💎! - 25
(burlington.greensboro, Greensboro)